A drop of the culture medium in which the embryo has developed provides chromosomal information [...]
At Igenomix, a company specialized on reproductive genetics and prenatal diagnosis, we work to make [...]
Whether you know you want to start a family right away or in the next [...]
For any couple, trying to build a family can be an overwhelming process. When you’re [...]
If there is a genetic condition present in your family, you may want to explore [...]
If you’re having fertility treatment, you’ll want to make sure the chances of conception are as [...]
If you’re in a loving relationship with your partner, you might be thinking about having [...]
If you’re considering in vitro fertilization or egg freezing you may wonder what to expect [...]
If you are undergoing fertility treatment and have heard of Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS), you [...]
If you’re a patient who has undergone several rounds of in vitro fertilization (IVF) without [...]
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